Daddy G.O & Mummy G.O,is it that God called both of them together?

Daddy G.O & Mummy G.O,is it that God called both of them together?(Just asking).

What about the home ministry,who takes care of it? Is parenting not a ministry?

Ok. Mummy is helping Daddy out in the ministerial work.

So who’s helping out in the parenting of the children and other domestic work. Okkkk, they have maids. Good.

Madam, pls leave Oga to answer his call. Stop being a monitoring demon around him pretending to be a helper. U can’t preach, pray nor sing, yet u re following ur husband up and down.

Madam, pls go and look for work to help your husband who’s called by God, or does it mean once God has called Oga, it becomes automatic call to the wife or may be Oga will now call the madam. I don’t understand, but if both of you are called, fine. I know it’s possible that husband & wife can have a call, but the way husband and wife pictures are littered in every signpost and fliers is becoming very confusing and evident that some are just opening or has opened a family business.

Is this no longer the work St.Paul, St. Peter and all other apostles did?

Man of God, stop intimidating ur members or trying to pls madam by putting her in ur signposts and billboards, she’s only but ur wife. She’s nothing but Mrs. Mummy, no problem, but other names that comes or given to man of God’s wife inorder to make him eligible should be stopped.

Madam is only but a member of the church. There can’t be two general overseas!

Man of God,God didn’t ask u to leave your children in the hands of maids because he called you or one-day they grow to only become a shame and disgrace to your calling and ministry, because you and your wife abandoned them in other to run church.

Church isn’t a family business. Separate madam to take care of the home or else, you have just planted a veritable instrument for the devil. Destruction of that church/ministry is possible and imminent.

You will hardly have permanent members, talk less of permanent workers. She will pursue all.

U and madam will be ordering ur members like ur house maids or servants. Pls they only came to serve God, not to become stooges to u and madam.

The woman will turn to Holy spirit, dictating a lot of things u do against the way u or God may want it, or else there won’t be peace.

The woman will also become an usher, because every lady/woman in the church will be a suspect.

Having cliques in your church/ministry is possible, because, madam will raise the possible ones who are close and very loyal to her as close aids/friends. These are people who brings informations to her, whether true or false. They ends up dividing the church into different groups of gossipers, very important instruments for the rising and falling of the church or sometimes total close up. These group is always the last to leave.

Man of God, pls try to know what will work for u in your own calling and ministry, for what worked for one, may not work for another.

Enough of all these adverts of Oga & Madam posing together on church adverts, as time goes on, Oga will turn to Prophet or Apostle and madam Rev or Evangelist. Hmmm! Ok ooo.



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